QualityTime + IFTTT
IFTTT is a service that lets you create powerful connections
with one simple statement: if this then that.
The QualityTime Channel on IFTTT provides valuable if-this-then-that recipes that lets you set personalized alerts with your favorite online services or Internet of Things (IoT) when you exceed your device usage limit.
You can create many fun and interesting “then that” actions when you overuse your smartphone.
For example, if you exceed your daily smartphone time limit, or screen unlocks, you can:
Auto call your significant other - get ready for another ear-bashing!
Create an entry in a Google Spreadsheet to mark that event or add a “note of shame” to your Google Calendar
Blink your Philips hue lightbulb a few times - or even change the color
SMS or email someone to keep you honest
Post to Facebook to get help from your buddy
- And many more...
Create different possibilities using your own imagination!
To get started, you will need to first install QualityTime app from Google Play, then head to QualityTime Channel on IFTTT to set up your if-this-then-that recipe.
Watch QualityTime + IFTTT demo (blink Philips Lightbulb when smartphone overuse)